Monday, April 14, 2008

Sucess and Upgrades!!!

As you can tell, I've changed the side bar a little. One new feature I've added is the "What I had for Dinner Last Night" list since a lot of people ask what I eat here. Also, I've added links to my facebook profile and my YouTube account that hold my pictures and videos respectively. I just fixed my memory card (via a vist it Akihabara, the electronics/gaming/manga/geek part of Tokyo ^o^) so I'll be able to upload all of the pictures and videos I took on my Oosaka/Kyoto trip!!!! YAY!!! Also, while I was in Akihabara, I bought a Nintendo DS game that acts as an electronic dictionary, so hopefully, that'll help me improve!

Today, I rode my bike to and from the station for the first time. Going to the station was really crazy because a lot of people were trying to get to work and it was pretty slippery. I almost got hit by a car once and almost fell off my bike like 20 times. I'm such a bad rider @_@. But the ride back was surprisingly easier, even though it was night time. I made it home pretty quickly (maybe even faster than the danged expensive bus) and here I am now! やった!!! I did it!!!


emie said...

i love your "what i had for dinner" section, ホッホッホ. it makes me happy that you're riding a bicycle, yay! even though it's hard, isn't it fun?
i have never been to アキバ before. was it fun?

auntie cindy said...

I really like seeing what you ate for dinner. Is your "mom" a good cook?

OrangeXenon said...

She's a really good cook!!! I never thought I'd be able to eat a whole little fish!!!

And I was only in Akihabara for 20 minutes, but it was pretty ok. I bought the game from this middle-aged lady who ran a video game store. I'd never would've expected such a person to run a place like that!